Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Seattle Based Company, Spaceflight announced it will be purchasing a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket that will be set aside exclusively for launching other people's small satellites into orbit. Curtis Blake, the president of Spaceflight believes that by purchasing and manifesting this rocket, that Spaceflight will be positioned to meet the growing demand of the small satellite industry for having reliable access to space.

This is yet another way companies are trying to improve the customer satisfaction aspect of spaceflight. By emphasizing on access to space, companies are trying to make it easier and more efficient to travel to space and have the time and lower risk when it comes to launching various projects through satellites. RocketLabs made a platform for buying spaces on a rocket because they believe that there will be a market specifically for customer service. This customer service is what will make the user experience customizable for planning space expeditions.

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