Thursday, November 12, 2015

Astronomers spot most distant object in the Solar system!

Move over Pluto! According to Science Magazine, Astronomers have spotted the most distant object in our solar system. This discovery could lead to the discovery of even more rogue planets that we haven’t detected yet. This dwarf planet has been designated V774104 and is between 500 and 1000 kilometers across. The next task for scientists will be to pin down the orbit of the planet.

Once the orbit of the planet is discovered, scientists will be able to classify the planet as belonging to a specific group in space. The group is classified by how close it orbits to the sun. It could join the icy planets that are near Neptune or it could join a rare group that currently has two worlds known as Sedna and 2012 VP113. However, the most interesting discovery will be figuring out what happened and what caused the object in the first place. This leaves more mystery to the discovery of this possible new planet.

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