Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Here are Some Excellent Small Satellite Articles!

Small satellites are becoming more affordable and more usable for a variety of organizations that range from for profit to non-profit. As they become adopted at a faster rate, there are many articles that are covering this trend. Here are some articles that I came across that I found interesting regarding the small satellite space trend.

The first article is from The Space Review and it discusses India and ICBM's and the concern of an America small satellite launch. It discusses different forms of technology being used in the commercial launch market and specifically dealing with stored and unused intercontinental ballistic missiles and a US Trade Representative review of the continuing ban on US satellite launch aboard India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle. It's an important read especially for those with market based interests.

The second article is from West Hawaii Today and it discusses a feasibility study regarding a small satellite launch facility on a Hawaii Island. This comes as legislators are advancing a bill that could boost the big island's aerospace capabilities. The bill was largely conceived in economic development committees and it will be interesting to see small satellites possibly helping speed the development of small satellites in Hawaii for its aerospace industry. This is a great read for those who follow policy.

The last article is from Phys.org is regarding a Swedish company introducing a new ground operations service for small satellites. It aims to lower the cost of launching small satellites by reducing the risks associated with it. The proposal was presented at the 32nd Space Convention in Colorado. This news continues the trend of newer developments made to increase efficiency of the process of launching small satellites and reducing costs even faster.

These are some great articles for following this trend. For more information, stay tuned in to Small Satellite Space News.

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