Friday, May 6, 2016

Space X Has Another Successful Launch in Cape Canaveral

This Friday, SpaceX landed its second landing at sea in this past month and it followed a first booster landing in December on a pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. This marks an important feat as Space X proved that it's rockets can launch and return in reusable form up to 20,000 miles up.

According to FloridaToday.comThe Falcon 9’s upper stage deployed the more than $100 million satellite 32 minutes after liftoff, placing it on course for an orbit 22,300 miles over the equator. The spacecraft built by Space Systems Loral will deliver high-definition TV and broadband Internet services for at least 15 years to parts of Asia, Russia and Oceania. This achievement was almost completely forgotten about after the rocket launched and landed successfully at sea further ensuring that Space X is in this for the long haul. 

“Woohoo!!” CEO Elon Musk tweeted after the rocket's first stage touched down on a ship about 200 miles off the Florida coast. “May need to increase size of rocket storage hangar.”

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