Tuesday, November 15, 2016

NASA Launches a Suite of Six Satellite Missions!

This month, NASA is aiming to launch the first of a suite of next generation, Earth-observing small satellite missions in order to demonstrate new methods for studying our planet. These satellites range in mass from a few pounds to hundreds. The lower development and launch costs are beneficial to this assignment because they can attach them to a rocket rather than spending a hefty amount on launching larger satellites.

According to Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington, "NASA is increasingly using small satellites in order to tackle important science problems across our mission portfolio." These satellites allow NASA the opportunity to test new technological innovations in space and allow students and researchers to gain more experience in this field as well. These advances in space technologies have changed the way that researchers approach studying the Earth from space.

Five of the suite of six satellite missions are aiming to launch new methods for measuring hurricanes, Earth's energy budget, aerosol and weather. The use of low cost satellites will help advance Earth science and also provide societal benefit through the applications as well. NASA is using these applications to help faculty and students understand the Earth better but also how to find better measurements using the small satellite approach.

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