Wednesday, December 7, 2016

SpaceX to launch Multiple Satellites together!

SpaceX plans to launch a small satellite constellation next year. In mid-November, SpaceX had publicly filed a request with the FCC in order to get permission for the launch. This announcement was shocking to audiences who thought that SpaceX was concerned primarily with space exploration. Satellite constellations are groups of satellites that work together for a common goal through synchronizing satellites. The satellites are launched together on a rocket rather than individually.

Per the official FCC file, SpaceX intends to “deploy a large constellation of small satellites for low-latency, worldwide, high-capacity internet service in the near future.” Latency is the data transmission delay of the satellites; low latency means that the transmission delay will be very small, which means faster connectivity connectivity to the internet. According to, testing of the SpaceX System will begin with the launch of two demonstration satellites: MicroSat-1a and MicroSat-1b, which will both likely be launched in 2017 on a Falcon 9 rocket. The final system will consist of 4,425 large satellites (plus spares), orbiting at altitudes ranging from 1,110 km to 1,325 km, which is classified as a Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The configuration of the constellation will allow communication services to cover virtually all parts of Earth from one system. The system will also use different orbital planes, which allows for some satellites to orbit around the poles and others around the equator. The proposal has been reviewed and accepted by the FCC, and after more testing, full-scale development of this massive system can commence.

The development of this satellite system will lead to direct competition with the OneWeb satellite constellation which is designed to provide global internet access with a system of 648 small satellites. The first set is planned to launch in 2019. While, the SpaceX system definitely will have its benefits when it comes to increasing internet access, it will also greatly increase the amount of objects in space. Because of the rise in traffic, there will need to be a strong sense of traffic management especially if SpaceX intends to have internet access connecting smoothly across the world. 

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