Monday, February 13, 2017

Launch Providers Accomodate more Small Satellites!

Launch companies are shifting from sending large spacecraft into orbit to sending more small satellites into orbit. Experts at the Small Satellite Symposium confirmed this trend that has been sweeping the space industry. Small satellites have been adopted by many organizations ranging from the nonprofit to the commercial industries and are being deployed all over the world. One company with a focus on innovating small satellite launches is SpaceX.

Jonathan HofellerSpaceX commercial sales vice president, detailed a new model that SpaceX is currently working on. “We are working on the model where we have multiple missions dedicated to flying secondary payloads,” Hofeller said. He further noted that getting the cost and routine schedule down, that this will be a much better opportunities for small satellites to get into orbit. SpaceX hopes to improve means of launching clusters of small satellites into low level orbit on its Falcon 9 rockets. 

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