Sunday, September 13, 2015

GoPro Camera launched and lost in 2013 returns to reveal the Grand Canyon from Space

The footage above is from the story of five friends who decided to launch a GoPro into space in order to film the Grand Canyon from a weather balloon. It reached the stratosphere but encountered complications on it's way back down. 

A GoPro camera that was launched in 2013 returns to reveal the Grand Canyon from space. For five friends, a couple of months of planning required two years to get the GoPro back from space.The June 2013 expedition was designed to capture breathtaking aerial views of the Grand Canyon and its surrounding area via a GoPro, camcorder and Galaxy Note II launched on a weather balloon.

According to Fox News, After reaching a maximum altitude of about 18 miles, during a flight time of slightly more than 90 minutes, the payload fell to the desert floor – where it remained for about two years. The team was using the GPS on the smartphone to track the package, but they encountered a problem during the descent. The coverage map that they had been relying on wasn't working correctly and the phone never received it's signal when it made it's return back to Earth. 

The phone would be found by a woman who worked for AT&T while she was hiking. She returned the SIM card and was able to track down the owners of the Phone. Their footage captured the Grand Canyon from the Stratosphere before it crashed to Earth. The video on Youtube reveals the ascent and descent of the mission.

Here is a link to the original article on Fox News

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