Tuesday, September 15, 2015

LauncherOne is raising the value for small satellites

Sir Richard Branson is currently boosting the promise of launching more space satellites with his LauncherOne. More seasoned satellite users are interested in small satellites because of there low cost, and quick development timelines. However, these satellites are largely dependent on a launch vehicle that is tailored to there capabilities and needs. This is an era were customization of space travel for these satellites is becoming the new trend as was shown at the Small Satellite Space News conference with RocketLabs and other startups looking to make the space race more customizable for customer needs.

Space Daily reports that the newest advance is being pushed by Virgin Galactic as it attempts to dramatically cut the cost of launching small satellites to the point that it would be affordable for innovators, businesses, universities, and nonprofits. Reducing the cost isn’t enough though as it also plans on accommodating the needs of the customers, a feat that can’t be achieved by larger and more expensive satellites. It’s just the latest innovation in this market that is picking up steam. However, the LauncherOne program has been in development for awhile.

The LauncherOne program was earlier moved to a manufacturing facility in Long Beach, California. It has garnered steam as the small satellite industry has begun to heat up. Sir Richard Branson also announced that his company is planning on boosting the capability of it’s satellite launcher allowing for a bigger payload mass and volume capacity. Virgin Galactic and Space X are just two major companies that are innovating the small satellite movement as well as numerous startups that are capitalizing on this trend.

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